Theme Park Hack Android/iOS

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Hack features:
- Unlimited Cash (it will a bit slow but it still good :P)

Hack requirements:
- Jailbroken device

Hack instructions:
1. Download the edited binary from one of the links above
2. Place the file inside /var/mobile/Applications/Theme Park/
4. Set Permissions to 777 (Read/Write/Execute with iFile)
5. Go one one of your rides and tap or spin so the bar fills up to green and watch the magic :D
6. Enjoy

- Be sure to put the face in green (lol idk how that bar is called sorry)

How to Unlock Everything:

Jaibroken Device
iGameGuardian or GamePlayer

1. Open Game
2. Go to iGG or GP
4. Search for your current Level
5. Go back to the game and Level up
6. Search for the the new Level
7. Repeat until you get 2-5 Addresses
8. Change the address to 99
9. Go back to game and open Shop (to make sure it worked)
10. After you see everything is unlocked go back to the game and change the level you were before
11. Collect something to save the game
12. Close the game (MultiTask too)
13. Reopen the game and there you go your current level with everything unlocked

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